Saturday, December 30, 2006


This is a very special year ahead; numerologically, it is a number nine year. This number signifies the ending of a sequence and the preparation for something new - growth into a new time and area of growth for the person and for the spirit.

During 2007 you should notice some of the things, and people, you have been involved with finishing and leaving room for something to take their place. The transition will not necessarily be a dramatic one because it will be 2008 which will bring in the new but this will be a clearing out of the old and, essentially, the things which no longer serve your purpose and serve you. Don't try to hold on to them; bless them, thank them for assisting in your development process and release their energies back into the universe.

Something wonderful is about to happen, enjoy it when it arrives.

Have a lovely New Year

I love you all

Ainsley xxx