Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Phone and e-mail database

It has been placed into consideration by ministers in parliament that a database of electronic information which will hold details of every phone call and e-mail sent in the UK. Granted that these plans at an early stage but it is my opinion that this idea ranks with the concept of the national ID card scheme and the biometric passport as a very unwelcome intrusion into our personal privacy and all of these things should be scrapped before any further money is wasted on them.

I have to admit that this little rant is my own feelings but members of parliament have stated very similar ideas, including -

Given the appalling track record of data loss, this state is simply not to be trusted with such private information
Chris Huhne
Lib Dems

I really hope that the civil liberty groups working in this country manage to influence the MPs to throw this one out.

I guess that this rant has ensured that I am on one of the security databases as a potential trouble-maker - oh well...sigh!

In peace and privacy...Ainsley

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The possibility of tin mining restarting in Cornwall

While I have to admit that an improvement in employment prospects in Cornwall and Devon should be welcomed, the potential damage to the environment must be taken into consideration.

The tungsten and tin mine on the edge of Dartmoor at Hemerdon will threaten that beautiful area and any developments must take into consideration the risks to the environment.

Photograph of a tin mine from the BBC images - I cannot get this to load in the time I have available so this reference has to stand. for the whole article.

(A slightly concerned) Ainsley

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Panda sneezes

Just trying this to see if it works...

<embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:400px;height:326px" flashvars="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

I hope it does because it really is funny.

Actually this didn't work but the link - copy and past it to your browser bar - should take you to the Google player page and it can be viewed there.