Sunday, July 13, 2008

Experiments in the Blogging world

Greeting blogging friends

I have been trying out the Twitter thing and find it to be quite good; it has been referred to as a 'Micro-Blog' and as such works well. If you don't have any friends on Twitter it can be a rather lonely place and this is the way I find it at present. I am starting to find my way around there and if you want to take a look, go to and take read their information pages. If you are already familiar with the way it works and maybe want to 'follow me' then look for DolphinDancer (no space or hyphen in the name) and say hello sometime.

I actually wanted to place their little widget on this page but cannot get the thing to install, leave alone work; I shall have another go sometime soon, meanwhile this will have to suffice.

This addition to my blog is being made through the ScribeFire add-on in Firefox, I find it to be a very useful thing. Additions to the blog can be made without having to connect to the Blogger site directly and is very useful for blogging 'on the fly'

Till next time, love and peace.

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